eBay Seller Registration Tutorial 1

1. Android Phone

2. Personal Computer

3. Internet

4. E-Mail Address

5. HNB or Sampath Bank Card

6. Dialog/Mobitel/Hutch Network SIM Card

7. E bay account

8. Paypal Account

Step 1

Register with www.ebay.com

Step 2

Fill Your Details

1. First Name
2. Last Name
3. Email Address
4. Password
5. Click Create Account

Step 3

1. Click Account Settings

Step 4

1. You can find your User ID as below "jagkarun-0"
2. Click "Personal Information"

* If you like you can Change USER ID by Clicking "EDIT"

eBay members may change their username only once every 30 days. Please try again 30 days after this date.

Step 5
1. Click Addresses
2. Click 
Registration address, email and phone number:
Your main contact information

3. Fill your Correct Information.

4. Click "Continue".
5. Verify your Mobile no with eBay.

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